Do’s & Don’ts

You’ve Been Diagnosed with Skin Cancer. Here's What to Do Next.

DO inform all members of your health-care team about your skin cancer diagnosis and any proposed treatment. This includes your primary care physician, specialists who treat you and prescribe medications for you, your dentist, pharmacist and all other health-care providers.

DO carry a current medication list to all appointments to share with your doctors and pharmacist. Make sure each doctor receives an updated copy. Inform your pharmacist about any immunotherapy that an external pharmacy is providing to you through your insurance company.

DON’T hesitate to speak up if you are unclear or have questions for your doctor or any other health care team member.  

DON’T rush a treatment decision. Take the time to educate yourself about treatment options and the pros and cons of each. Discuss your options and their implications with your doctor, your family or others if you wish to receive their input.

DO make informed, shared treatment decisions with your doctor regarding a proposed plan of care. In order to best do this, make sure you know and understand your diagnosis and treatment options.

DON’T hesitate to seek a second opinion if you are uncertain about your diagnosis or proposed treatment.

DO bring someone with you to medical appointments. Ask a friend, family member or significant other to join you. Bring a notebook too!

DO seek support from friends, family, support groups, mental health professionals and others to help you cope with your diagnosis and treatment.

DON’T depend on Dr. Google until you know that you can trust the reliability of a health or medical website. Find accurate, medically reviewed skin cancer information here.

DO educate yourself on the wide range of resources, medical navigational assistance and related support resources and services available through the Robins Nest program.

Last updated: April 2020

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