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Defining Skin Cancer

Words like dysplastic nevus and metastatic are not words that you hear every day and can be worrisome when you hear them used in your dermatologist’s office.

Do I Have Skin Cancer?

You learn that a friend has skin cancer and you instantly start to worry. After all, you grew up together; you spent your summers on the beach, tanning. Are you at risk for skin cancer, too?

After a Transplant: New Dangers

After a lifesaving transplant procedure, new risks emerge, including a higher chance of developing skin cancer. Here’s why, and what patients need to know to protect themselves.

Ask the Expert: What Is a Solar Callus?

Should you listen to influencers who promote the notion of building a “solar callus” to produce vitamin D? Our expert says “No” and sets the record straight.

7 Surprising Signs of Sun Damage

Wrinkles, dark spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation, even freckles are signs of sun damage. Our experts share what you can do to improve your skin.

In My Mother’s Eyes: Her Ocular Melanoma Story

Ocular (meaning “of the eye”) melanoma is very different from cutaneous (“of the skin”) melanoma. Learn more about this rare form of melanoma, in a story told by the daughter of a survivor.

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