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Sunscreen Safety – The Facts

Misinformation about sunscreen safety has been circulating on social media for years. The most recent claim, that wearing sunscreen is harmful and may even cause skin cancer, is not only false but dangerous. We asked a top expert, Elizabeth Buzney, MD, outpatient clinical director of the Department of Dermatology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School, to weigh in on this concerning trend. She also serves on The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Photobiology Committee. 

Acral Melanoma Survivor Warns: Know What to Look For

Most people who go to the podiatrist would never expect to get biopsied and diagnosed with a rare, dangerous skin cancer. But that’s exactly what happened to Dorothy Overstreet. Now, she wants to educate people about acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) and how to detect it.  

Your June Issue: All About Sunscreen

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month! Starting today and throughout the spring, we’re speaking up about the world’s most common cancer. Visit our website for everything you need to know, including accurate, medically reviewed skin cancer information, images and videos.

5 Secrets of Sunscreen Users in the U.S.

The best sunscreen is the one you’ll use, so researchers wanted to dig a bit deeper into what makes people use sunscreen, how they apply it and when — with the hopes of getting more people to do it more regularly.

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