Sun & Skin News

This Is Skin Cancer

More Progress, More Hope, More Time

Melanoma took many things from Todd and Linda Nagel, but it never took away their hope. Today, Linda celebrates the life of her beloved late husband by hosting an annual golf event that funds vital skin cancer research and brings hope to patients and their families.

Face Facts

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common skin cancer, is often easy to treat. But BCC on your face can be a big deal, as Alison Sweeney learned when she was diagnosed.

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Sometimes the hero of the story is the one who keeps an eye on your skin and pushes you to see a dermatologist.

Intuition, Luck, Opportunity

A young woman who loved the sun listened to her instincts about some new dark moles on her abdomen. She decided to get her skin checked when she heard about The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Destination Healthy Skin screening program.

Trial and Error

What happens when a dermatologist learns she has a rare and dangerous melanoma? Vivian Bucay, MD, fought back with strength, family and clinical trials.

Coping with Advanced Melanoma During Pregnancy

Kelly was 26 weeks pregnant when she started to experience seizures along the left side of her body. After meeting with several doctors, she learned her symptoms started from a skin cancer. “I was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma in my armpit that had spread to my brain and was a serious threat to me and my unborn child,” says Kelly.

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