Another Skin Cancer Awareness Month may have come and gone, but a month later we’re still thinking about some of the great fundraising events held to support The Skin Cancer Foundation!
Another Skin Cancer Awareness Month may have come and gone, but a month later we’re still thinking about some of the great fundraising events held to support The Skin Cancer Foundation!
The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Research Grants Program has given young physicians and investigators a special boost for studies that served as stepping stones to major lifesaving breakthroughs.
Knowledge is power. The skin is the largest organ, and it’s all out there where you can see it. So the more you learn about skin cancer and what to look for, the more you can do to help yourself.
Every day at The Skin Cancer Foundation, we hear from individuals who want to get involved and support our mission.
Each year, we award several grants to dermatology residents, fellows and young faculty to fund research and clinical studies related to skin cancer.
Since 1979, The Skin Cancer Foundation has worked tirelessly to arm the public with information on the prevention, detection and treatment of this disease. Our focus is simple: Education as a means to change behaviors and ultimately save lives.
When I joined the Foundation several months ago, I quickly learned of Dr. Deborah Sarnoff. As I pored over skin cancer research, read up on the history of the Foundation and its important education programs and reviewed countless news articles, I saw her influence everywhere.
On the evening of Tuesday, October 18th, hundreds of guests from the beauty, health, entertainment and medical industries were filing into the Mandarin Oriental New York. Waiting for them in the ballroom — which boasted a dazzling view of the New York skyline — was The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Champions for Change Gala.
Not long after I joined The Skin Cancer Foundation a few months ago, our executive director, Dan Latore, gave me a daunting task. “We’d like to include a tribute to our founder in our annual magazine,” he said. That would be Perry Robins, MD, one of the most famous dermatologists in the world. “I think you should write it,” he said.
What would you like to know about how to keep your skin looking young and healthy? How can we help you find the best ways to protect you and your family from the damaging rays of the sun? What should you do if you see a weird new spot on your skin? What do you really want to know if you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer? Let’s talk!