Sun & Skin News

Inside The Skin Cancer Foundation

Celebrating the Women of The Skin Cancer Foundation

March is Women’s History Month, and The Skin Cancer Foundation’s female physician members are taking the opportunity to share their unique insights as women in dermatology, and the world of medicine as a whole.

Our Staff Gets Out!

At The Skin Cancer Foundation, we know how vital time in nature is for our health. Our staff members share a photo and tell how they protect their skin from the sun.

Fighting Skin Cancer in 2022: The Year in Review

In 2022, The Skin Cancer Foundation reached millions of people with our lifesaving messages around skin cancer prevention, early detection and treatment. We couldn’t have done it without you. Read on for what we accomplished together!  

What We’re Grateful for at The Skin Cancer Foundation

As we rake leaves, dig out our mothers’ pie recipes or make travel plans for Thanksgiving, it’s a good time to remember that feeling grateful is not just good for our mental health. Studies suggest it may also help improve heart health, lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation.

Protect Your Pets From Skin Cancer!

While fur protects skin from the sun to an extent, dogs and cats can get sunburned, and they can develop skin cancer, too. Read about Tundra, an all-around good dog who has battled numerous skin cancers.

A Haircut Could Save Your Life

Hair professionals are in a unique position to detect skin cancers on the scalp because they have a natural view of difficult-to-see areas.

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