Sun & Skin News

Blogs by Becky Kamowitz

20 years ago, thanks to a college internship that wasn’t even her first choice, Becky discovered her passion for finding creative ways to communicate messages that help people lead healthier lives. Becky has spent her career working with and for numerous nonprofit organizations. She led the Foundation’s marketing communications department before taking on the role of executive director in 2024. Originally from Hartford, Connecticut, Becky lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and daughter. She proudly wears four different sunscreen products every day and has an impressive collection of hats and sunglasses.

Building Your Skin Cancer Team

When skin cancer becomes advanced, you may need one or more of these medical professionals to support your treatment and recovery.

In My Mother’s Eyes: Her Ocular Melanoma Story

Ocular (meaning “of the eye”) melanoma is very different from cutaneous (“of the skin”) melanoma. Learn more about this rare form of melanoma, in a story told by the daughter of a survivor.

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Lips

When it comes to lip care, you should never slack off, especially during the winter. That’s why we’re sharing our best tips for getting beautiful, healthy and kissable lips — just in time for Valentine’s Day!

“You Are My Bucket List”: One Woman’s Journey from Melanoma Diagnosis to Motherhood

Chelsea Dawson’s days are filled with the hectic joy of motherhood. After ending her workday at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Virginia, she heads to day care to pick up her toddler, Lee. Then it’s home for dinner with her husband, Bryan, and stepson, Gavin, before putting the kids to bed and catching her breath. Balancing work, home and family can be tough, but you won’t hear Chelsea complain.

Nah Nah Nah Nah Hey Hey Hey Don’t Fry

Solstice, schmolstice; in my opinion, summer starts on Memorial Day weekend. (Not that we won’t take the opportunity to remind our dear readers about summer sun protection on June 21.) That’s why I love that the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has declared the Friday before Memorial Day weekend “Don’t Fry Day” (#DontFryDay). It’s a reminder to everyone heading outdoors over the holiday to be sun-safe and avoid burning or tanning.

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