Sun & Skin News

This Is Skin Cancer

Speak Up in the Fight Against Skin Cancer

People are speaking up in the fight against skin cancer and you can too. The louder our collective voice, the more people we can reach and the more lives we can save.

Acral Melanoma Survivor Warns: Know What to Look For

Most people who go to the podiatrist would never expect to get biopsied and diagnosed with a rare, dangerous skin cancer. But that’s exactly what happened to Dorothy Overstreet. Now, she wants to educate people about acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) and how to detect it.  

#ThisIsSkinCancer Stories

Skin cancer survivors and caregivers share, in their own powerful words, what it’s like to live with and beyond skin cancer. Their goal is to educate about the dangers of the disease and give hope to the newly diagnosed.

Teen Tanning: A Short-Term Decision With Long-Term Consequences

Even after hearing that women who have ever been indoor tanning are six times more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma in their 20s than those who have never done so, it’s hard to believe skin cancer can happen at such a young age. Most young indoor tanners probably don’t believe it can happen to them.

In My Mother’s Eyes: Her Ocular Melanoma Story

Ocular (meaning “of the eye”) melanoma is very different from cutaneous (“of the skin”) melanoma. Learn more about this rare form of melanoma, in a story told by the daughter of a survivor.

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